A national coverage of 197 screens across Delhaize stores - divided in 3 different clusters:
- Cluster Small
- Cluster Large
- Cluster without JCD parking lot screens
1 week
Media Booking
6 weeks
Nice to know
- National coverage
- Format: 55 inch - portrait
- Message: 6 seconds
- Multiple creations possible
- Share of time : 20%
- Broadcasting: 720x/screen/day
- List of the stores available
- Possibility to include External Brands & Services
Post reporting
Reportings are available 6 weeks after the end of the activation and available via an online platform. Request access to our Account Managers.
- KPI 1 - Reach per scope during activation period
- KPI 2 - Product Evolution
- KPI 3 - Brand Evolution
- KPI 4 - Category Evolution
- KPI 5 - Category Share Index
Brand awareness
Call To Action
Engagement / Consideration
Change perception